Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sad to say bye...happy to come home!!

I'm all packed back up and ready. I can't wait until I get back to warm weather. Aside from when I take a 30 min. hot shower..twice a day, I don't think I have been warm since I got here. Most buildings here have their heat controlled from one central location. I guess it got really cold a little early this year, so they have not turned any heat on in this building. It has been in the low 40's all week. Next time, I'll be like many layers I can't bend my arms :) .

As of this morning, I have officaially requested to adopt him. The notary was extremly nice. Afterward, mom and I went to Old Arbat street to do some shopping and eat lunch. Around 4:00 we went to spend some more time with Noah and say our goodbyes for a few more weeks. We were able to play with him in the play room today so I got to see him crawling around everywhere. He is nowhere close to walking yet but loves to jump up and down with help. We did some measuring and he is 27" tall and about 18lbs. He should be in 12mth old clothes. His feet are 4" long, so I have to figure out his shoe size. He smiles alot and laughs, but not outloud. He doesn't make alot of noise actually. Not to worry though, I'll wear off on him soon enough!! It was a little sad to drive away, but I have so much to do now to prepare for a little boy. Clothes to buy, bedding to pick out...flower gardens to kill :( Masha said that our court date will probably be in about 4 weeks.
I'm off to take my evening shower so I can get warm before bed!


Nichole said...

Oh, if you are cold now, I will never be warm when I am there! I am cold all the time!! Glad you got to spend more time with Noah. I am so sad you have to get rid of your flower garden, it is so beautiful!!!