Saturday, October 18, 2008

No slowing down.

Today Noah decided to find out how many times mommy could run after him before she colapsed. He was so wired today for some reason. He didn't sit still for much more than a minute, (unless he was eating) and wanted to go everywhere he wasn't suppose to. He would start heading in a direction that he wasn't suppose to be going and then stop to turn and see if I was coming :) Then he would just laugh at me and keep going. He has this all figured out I beleive. He also has this funny face he makes when he is really excited. It's like he squishes up his entire face. It is hysterical. I posted a video which will show it a little. I believe he is going to be a little comedian. Mom also taught him a little trick with putting his blanket over his head. He though that was great! There is a video of that too. As far as me and mom. We are beat!! It takes an hour one way every day. I can handle the metro, but the walk is not so pleasant. I hope that by the first of the week I will have him. That should make the time go by so much faster. I miss home very much!! What I would give for some Smithfields BBQ and sweet tea right now!!! mmmm The biggest problem I'm having is not getting on a sleep routine! I was up until 4am this morning. Completely wide awake. It's been that way for several days now, so hopefully tonight it will have caught up with me and I'll be out!


Anonymous said...

The video is so cute and he looks like such a happy child. Hope you are getting some rest since it is night. Looking forward to the next video.


Tamara said...

Amy - He is so precious! I love the videos. Soon you will have him and your life will be a non-stop chase ;) Blessings, Tamara

Anonymous said...

Hey Amy, Noah, and Grandma!
Congratulations! We are so excited to meet Noah. David and I watched the videos together and he kept laughing and pointing and wanted me to play them over and over again. We are working on him saying, "Noah" too, let's just say he has the "no" part down. :) We pray God's continued grace on your trip and can't wait to have you all home again. I know you are busy, but if you can email me at I have a few questions for you! If not, we will just have to wait until you get home! LOVE TO ALL!
Jenny and Little D

findingourdaughter said...

Noah is precious! I hope Gotcha day is today (Monday for us in the States)!
BTW-I never had trouble sleeping in my life.....until I became a mother....which brought anxiety, which brought lots of sleep issues for me....and they still continue (my oldest is 7)!
I hope your insomnia goes away quick and you will be much more tired when you have Noah 24/7, so that will help too!

Kim Abraham - Mom to the Fabulous Five! said...

Love the squishy face smile! He is so charming and cute, I can see why you must have instantly fallen for him.